How to Store Multiple Elements per Key in an Array?

आज इस आर्टिकल में हम आपको How to Store Multiple Elements per Key in an Array? के बारे में बताएंगे।

Problem:- How to Store MultipleElements per Key in an Array? You want to associate multiple elements with a single Key.

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Solution – Store Multiple Elements per Key in an Array

class="prettyprint lang-php" data-start-line="1" data-visibility="visible" data-highlight="" data-caption=""><?php
$fruits = array('red'=>array('strawberry', 'apple'), 'yellow'=> array('banana'));

ore Multiple Elements per Key in an Array</h2&gt; <pre class=”prettyprint lang-php” data-start-line=”1″ data-visibility=”visible” data-highlight=”” data-caption=””><?php $fruits = array(‘red’=>array(‘strawberry’, ‘apple’), ‘yellow’=&gt; array(‘banana’)); print_r($fruits); ?>

How it Works?

We can do it with multi dimensional array system also we can use 2 or 4 dimensional array system.

Problem:- How to Store MultipleElements per Key in an Array? You want to associate multiple elements with a single Key.

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Final Words

  • आज इस आर्टिकल में हमने आपको Howto Store MultipleElements per Key in an Array? के बारे में बताया।
  • अगर आपको इससे जुडी कोई अन्य जानकारी चाहए है तो निचे कमेन्ट बॉक्स में कमेन्ट कर के पूछ सकते है।

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