Project – Coding Simple Calendar Using PHP Programming
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Calender</title> <img src="" data-wp-preserve="" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" class="mce-object" width="20" height="20" alt="<style>" title="<style>" /> </head> <body> <?php $month = isset($_GET['month'])? intval($_GET['month']):date('m'); $year = isset($_GET['year'])? intval($_GET['year']):date('Y'); $newCal = new Calender($month, $year); echo $newCal->html(); ?> </body> </html> <?php class Calender{ /* Date/Time*/ public $monthToUse; protected $prepared = false; protected $days = array(); public function __construct($month, $year){ /*building a date and time for the month that we display on page*/ $this->monthToUse = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m', sprintf("%04d-%02d", $year, $month)); $this->prepare(); } protected function prepare(){ //we will build a array of info about each day foreach (array('Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa') as $dow) { $endOfRow = ($dow=='Sa'); $this->days[] = array('type'=>'dow', 'label'=> $dow, 'endOfRow'=> $endOfRow); } //next placeholder up to the first day of the week for($i=0, $j=$this->monthToUse->format('w'); $i<$j; $i++){ $this->days[] = array('type'=>'blank'); } //now one item for each day in the month....... $today = date("Y-m-d"); $days = new DatePeriod($this->monthToUse, new DateInterval("P1D"), $this->monthToUse->format("t") - 1); foreach ($days as $day) { $isToday = ($day->format("Y-m-d")==$today); $endOfRow = ($day->format('w')==6); $this->days[] = array('type'=>'day', 'label'=>$day->format('j'), 'today'=> $isToday, 'endOfRow'=>$endOfRow); } if (!$endOfRow) { for($i=0, $j = 6 - $day->format('w'); $i<$j; $i++){ $this->days[] = array('type'=>'blank'); } } } public function html($opts = array()){ if (!isset($opts['id'])) { $opts['id'] = 'calender'; } if (!isset($opts['month_link'])) { $opts['month_link'] = '<a href="'.htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'?'.'month=%d&year=%d">%s</a>'; } $classes = array(); foreach (array('prev', 'month', 'next', 'weekday', 'blank', 'day', 'today') as $class) { if (isset($opts['class']) && isset($opts['class'][$class])) { $classes[$class] = $opts['class'][$class]; }else{ $classes[$class]= $class; } } //build prev month link........ $prevMonth = clone $this->monthToUse; $prevMonth->modify("-1 month"); $prevMonthLink = sprintf($opts['month_link'], $prevMonth->format('m'), $prevMonth->format('Y'), "≪"); //build Next month link........ $nextMonth = clone $this->monthToUse; $nextMonth->modify("+1 month"); $nextMonthLink = sprintf($opts['month_link'], $nextMonth->format('m'), $nextMonth->format('Y'), "≫"); //making calender structurre........ $html = '<table border="3" id="'.htmlentities($opts['id']).'" width="300px" height="300px"> <tr> <td class="'.htmlentities($classes['prev']).'">'.$prevMonthLink.'</td> <td class="'.htmlentities($classes['month']).'" colspan="5">'.$this->monthToUse->format('F Y'). '</td> <td class="'.htmlentities($classes['next']).'">'.$nextMonthLink.'</td></tr>'; $html .='<tr>'; $lastDayIndex = count($this->days) - 1; foreach ($this->days as $i => $day) { switch ($day['type']) { case 'dow': // code... $class = 'weekday'; $label = htmlentities($day['label']); break; case 'blank': //code $class = 'blank'; $label = " "; break; case 'day': //code $class = $day['today']?'today':'day'; $label = htmlentities($day['label']); break; } $html .= '<td class="'.htmlentities($classes[$class]).'">'.$label.'</td>'; if (isset($day['endOfRow']) && $day['endOfRow']) { $html .= "</tr>"; if ($i != $lastDayIndex) { $html .='<tr>'; } } } $html .= '</table>'; return $html; } public function text(){ $lineLength = strlen("Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa"); $header = $this->monthToUse->format('F Y'); $headerSpacing = floor($lineLength - strlen($header)/2); $text = str_repeat(' ', $headerSpacing). $header."<br />"; foreach ($this->days as $i => $day) { switch ($day['type']) { case 'dow': // code... $text .=sprintf('%2s', $day['label']); break; case 'blank': //code $text .= ' '; break; case 'day': //code $text .=sprintf('%2d', $day['label']); break; } $text .= (isset($day['endOfRow']) && $day['endOfRow']) ? "<br />" :" "; } if ($text[strlen($text-1)] != "<br />") { $text .= "<br>"; } return $text; } } ?>
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