Display Inline Message in Form With Re-display Form

Control Over User Login Procedure - Cookies Authentication
Control Over User Login Procedure - Cookies Authentication

Problem:- Display Inline Message in Form With Re-display Form

Solution:- Here we made two file to make a form to submit and show error message in inline and again to display same form to correct the information your user want to submit.


<style type="text/css">
		color: red;
$flavors = array('', 'vanilla','Chocolate', 'Strawbery' );
$defaults = array('name'=> '', 'age'=>'', 'flavor'=> array());
foreach ($flavors as $flavor) {
	$defaults['flavor'][$flavor] = '';
	# code...
	$errors = array();
	include __DIR__.'\show-form.php';
	$errors = validateForm();
	if (count($errors)) {
		if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
			$defaults['name'] = $_POST['name'];
		if (isset($_POST['age'])) {
			$defaults['age']= "checked='checked'";
		foreach ($flavors as $flavor) {
				if (isset($_POST['flavor']) && ($_POST['flavor']==$flavor)) {
					$defaults['flavor'][$flavor] = "selected='selected'";
			include __DIR__.'\show-form.php';
			print "The form is submitted";
	function validateForm(){
		global $flavors;
		$errors = array();
		if (!(isset($_POST['name']) && (strlen($_POST['name'])>3))) {
			$errors['name'] = "Enter a name of at least 3 letter";
		if (!isset($_POST['age'])) {
			# code...
			$_POST['age'] = 0;
			if (($_POST['age']!= '1')) {
			$errors['age'] = "Invalid age check box value";

		if (empty($_POST['flavor'])) {
			$errors['flavor'] = "Choose a valid Flavor";
		return $errors;



<form method="post">
		<dt>Your Name</dt>
		<?php if (isset($errors['name'])) {?>
			<dd class="error"><?php echo htmlentities($errors['name']); ?></dd>
		<?php } ?>
		<dd><input type="text" name="name" value="<?= htmlentities($defaults['name']); ?>"></dd>

		<dt>Are You Over 18 Year old</dt>
		<?php if (isset($errors['age'])) {?>
			<dd class="error"><?php echo htmlentities($errors['age']); ?></dd>
		<?php } ?>
		<dd><input type="checkbox" name="age" value='1' >Yes</dd>

		<dt>Your Fav Ice Cream Fav</dt>
		<?php if (isset($errors['flavor'])) {?>
			<dd class="error"><?php echo htmlentities($errors['flavor']); ?></dd>
		<?php } ?>
		<dd><select name="flavor"></dd>
			<?php foreach ($flavors as $flavor) {?>
				<option <?=	isset($defaults['flavor'][$flavor])? $defaults['flavor'][$flavor]: ""; ?>> <?= htmlentities($flavor); ?></option>
			<?php } ?>

	<input type="submit" value="Send Info" name="">


Display Inline Message in Form With Re-display Form
Display Inline Message in Form With Re-display Form

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