Simple Pagination Code with PHP – MySql PDO

Control Over User Login Procedure - Cookies Authentication
Control Over User Login Procedure - Cookies Authentication

Problem:- Simple Pagination Code with PHP – MySql PDO



$user = "root";
$pass = "";
$dbname = 'testdb';
$host = "localhost";

$mysql = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass);
$offset = isset($_GET['offset'])? intval($_GET['offset']) : 1;
$per_page = 5;
$total = $mysql->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data')->fetchColumn(0);

$limitedSQL = "SELECT * FROM data ORDER BY id LIMIT $per_page OFFSET ". ($offset-1);
$lastRowNumber = $offset-1;

foreach ($mysql->query($limitedSQL) as $row2) {
	print "{$row2['name']} ===========> {$row2['mobile']}<br>";
indexed_links($total, $offset, $per_page);

print "<br>";
print "(Displaying $offset-$lastRowNumber of Total)";

	//=========function for print text and record=======//
function print_link($inactive, $text, $offset=" "){
	if ($inactive) {
		print "<span class='inactive'>$text</span>";
		print "<span class='active'>". "<a href='".htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."?offset=$offset'>$text</a></span>";

//Indexded link funtion

function indexed_links($total, $offset, $per_page){
	//=========for print <<PREV link=======//
	$separator = " | ";
	print_link($offset == 1, "<< Prev", max(1, $offset - $per_page));

	//=========for print group Record=======//
	//==========not print Last one=========//
	for ($start=1, $end = $per_page ; $end < $total;  $start += $per_page, $end += $per_page) { 
		print $separator;
		print_link($offset == $start, "$start-$end", $start);
	$end = ($total > $start) ? "- $total": " ";
	//=========for print Last Group=======//
	print $separator;
	print_link($offset == $start, "$start$end", $start);
	//=========for print <<NEXT link=======//
	print $separator;
	print_link($offset == $start, 'Next>>', $offset + $per_page);



Simple Pagination Code with PHP - MySql PDO
Simple Pagination Code with PHP – MySql PDO

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